Earth Day is next week and you may not have thought about it...but one of the most important ways you can honor this day, is by eliminating environmental hazards which you may not realize you have, in your very own home!

Let's make our planet a safer place! How? By not using toxic products in your home! By doing so, you won't be contributing towards the toxic that drains into your communities sewer, and eventually ends up becoming someone else's drinking water! If we all make an effort to stop using toxic household products, then fewer of these toxic products will be manufactured and if we all keep complaining, eventually laws will be enacted which will prohibit these products from being made!

April 1970 marked the beginning of the modern environmental movement. Have things improved since then? Some environmental laws have had a positive impact, but there is still much work to be done! What may shock you is that one of the largest sources of environmental pollution still affecting our health, occurs right under our our own homes. I am talking about the toiletries we use on our bodies and the cleaners we use in our homes each day!

The Environmental Working Group (Dec 2009) contracted independent tests by five laboratories in the U.S., Canada and Europe, which found up to 232 toxic chemicals in the umbilical cord blood samples of newborn babies. Can you believe it...newborn babies have already been exposed to hundreds of toxic chemicals?

What Can We Do? How do we begin to protect our family's health? We can start by eliminating products from our homes which we already know contain toxic contaminants. This is important not only to protect our family's health, but also the health of our environment.

For a complete list of known chemical dangers you should eliminate from your home, see this hazardous ingredients list.

Click learn more about non toxic cleaning products!

The second step is to eliminate your toxic personal care products. Every mothers desire is to keep her little ones safe. Learn more about what you can do by watching this important video!

I hope you enjoyed this issue of
"Your Non Toxic Home".

Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to have me address something specific in a future issue.


Jolene Snyder
"Your Nontoxic Living Coach"

P.S. If we all work together, we can reduce environmental hazards in our homes as well as on our planet. Please forward this email to everyone you know who is concerned about creating a healthy home for their family.

Invite them to subscribe to this newsletter!

Disclosure: No products featured in this newsletter are intended to prevent, treat or cure any medical condition and no medical claims are implied. All information is for educational purposes only. The publisher may have affiliations with companies featured in this newsletter and may stand to profit from sales of the products featured there in.